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Mt. Elbert - Day 7 of Western Tour

Writer's picture: Nathaniel GreveNathaniel Greve

We are 14,439 ft above sea level on Mt. Elbert today on day 7 of the Philmont Refugee Trip out West. Mt. Elbert is the tallest mountain in Colorado and the second tallest mountain in the contiguous United States. Additionally, it’s over 1,900 feet higher than Mt. Baldy, which we would have hiked at Philmont.

It’s been an adventure planning and experiencing a 14 day trip out west in a week and a half after our Philmont Trek was canceled due to the Ute Park Fire. Halfway through, I really appreciate the hard work of our scoutmaster and other adults that helped us “Scramble and Be Flexible” -the motto of the trip. We’ve been to Petrified Forest, the Grand Canyon, and Canyoning. During the second half of our trip we will be at Rocky Mountain National Park and float down the Arkansas river. So far, we’ve hiked 32 miles and camped in numerous National Forests. #weownadventure @boyscoutsofamerica

We woke up at o’ dark thirty and began hiking at 4:20am up the five mile trail to the summit. We got past the tree line just in time to watch the sun rise over the clouds and the mountain range (Picture 2). Picture three is of Mt. Massive, which was previously to be the tallest mountain in Colorado.

The trail was very rocky and pretty steep in many areas. All 9 members of our crew were able to make it to the summit despite the lack of oxygen and headaches that resulted from altitude sickness.

There was still snow in many areas and it was very tempting to go sledding.

The final picture is of Mt. Elbert from the ground.

For the next 4 days we will be at Rocky Mountain National Park and cell service may be spotty so it might be a while before I post again.


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