The Association for Computing Machinery adopted a new Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct in 2018, replacing the 1992 version. This was not the first time the code was updated, as the ACM code was first written in 1966 and first revised in 1972. There are several significant differences between the most recent two versions, including broadening the code's inclusivity to include students and encourage professional development and placing a greater emphasis on the responsibilities computing professionals have to do no harm, uphold human rights, and ensure accessibility.
The 2018 code, in contrast to the 1992 code, applies not only to the development and education of computing professionals but also to anyone involved in the expansion and use of computing technology, including students. This broadening of the scope of the code in the preamble reflects the increasing importance of teaching and expanding computing technology in society and the need for all to consider the ethical implications of their work from start to finish. Including students is particularly significant, as it highlights the importance of ethics education from the earliest stages of one’s computing career. Likewise, the 2018 code includes a new principle on professional development in section 3.5, which underlines the need for computing professionals to maintain and improve their professional knowledge and skills and to remember the limitations of software - that errors are imminent and oversimplified approaches do not foster the creation of robust systems. Promoting continuity of ethics education throughout all stages of one’s career reflects the importance of ongoing education and training in the fast-changing field of computing technology. The focus stresses the need for computing professionals to stay up-to-date with the latest field developments, continually improve their skills, and participate in professional development activities that enhance their knowledge and abilities.
The 2018 code places a more prominent focus on the social responsibilities of computing professionals than the 1992 code. The code emphasizes the need for computing professionals to use their skills to benefit society, promote the common good, and avoid actions that may cause harm to individuals or groups in section 1.1. Increased consideration is yielded to less advantaged groups in the event of a conflict. The 2018 code recognizes that computing technology is used globally and that computing professionals are responsible for ensuring that their work is consistent with international human rights and environmental standards. This principle echoes the growing awareness of the global impact of computing technology and the need for computing professionals to consider their work's social, cultural, and environmental implications worldwide. Section 3.7 adds that leaders of computing infrastructure must be good stewards of the systems, assuring fair access and safely monitoring the level of ubiquity in society. In addition, the 2018 code states in section 3.3 that computing professionals should ensure that their work is accessible to all, including people with disabilities, throughout the development process. By updating the 2019 code to expand the principles of social responsibility, the Association for Computing Machinery prepares professionals to consider the implications of their work and not let it exclude or cause harm to minority groups or the environment.
Overall, the changes made in the 2018 ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct reflect the growing recognition of the ethical implications of computing technology and the need for computing professionals to take responsibility for the impact of their work on society and the environment. The code emphasizes the importance of a broad-based, global approach to ethical decision-making and the need for ongoing education and training to ensure that computing professionals have the knowledge and skills to make moral decisions in a complex and rapidly evolving field.
