The Georgia Tech College of Computing is Under Attack By Smelly CS Majors!
This was a group project completed in CS2340. I did the majority of the coding of this Tower Defense game, as well as designed the graphic user interface. The code is over 1200 lines long, and much time was spent optimizing the code with method creation for repeated tasks.
Throughout the project we were asked to improve upon the game by adding more tower options, setting a time limit, creating new levels, and implementing enemy health.
The object of the game is to wash different enemies, each with different health staminas, with towers that dispense water before they contaminate home base - The College of Computing Building.
The map emulates the real roads on Georgia Tech's campus, and the towers represent real buildings on campus. While enemies currently only come down one road, this game can be improved upon to include enemies coming from all different directions.
Enemy Types:
Basement-Dwelling Gamer Bro
Frat Dude on Hangover
Hippy (A.K.A Berkley Reject)
Final Boss - Stinky Georgia Bulldog
Tower Types:
Water Gun
Garden Hose
Power Sprayer
Water Canon
Apologies for the bad quality of the voiceover audio. My primary computer was in the repair shop at the time.