High School is arguably the busiest time in one’s life. Between academics, sports, extracurriculars, family, and friends, it is often difficult for students to find time for a part-time job. However, this time marks a crucial transition from dependence to independence, and students need to prepare to be financially self-sustaining. Boasting work experience on a resume alludes to an individual that can collaborate well with others and understands basic business standards. Time is of the essence, and proper scheduling protects students from overbooking his or her day or from inactivity. To establish financial stability, develop employability characteristics, and refine time management skills, students should work throughout high school.

Perhaps, one of the most frightening realities for students is the looming threat of student debt. Even the least ambitious students might apply for jobs to save up for college. Maintaining a job throughout high school ensures financial stability as any income, no matter how meager, can count in the long run. Unemployed students are reliant on someone else’s money, but students who work at an hourly rate learn the value of the dollar and even have spending cash. A part-time employee living at home working minimum wage for only five hours on a Saturday will have enough money to go to the football game on Friday, go to dinner with friends, and deposit the rest in a savings account. On the other hand, a student learns how to budget after realizing how quickly money can be wasted on wants rather than needs.
Working throughout high school makes for a great embellishment on one’s resume. Colleges and future potential employers see work experience as a sign of productivity, integrity, and perseverance. Skills learned on the job include confidence in personal interaction with customers and clients as well as an in-depth understanding of standard business practices and ethics. These areas of expertise build up a sense of confidence for high schoolers beginning to enter the real world and develop characteristics that may encourage employers to separate one applicant from the rest. Also, students have the potential to work towards pay-raises and promotions in part-time jobs. Remembering that customers pay the paychecks is an essential adage for those working by the hour.
Employing a work schedule encourages students to begin planning weeks in advance and breaking his or her days down by the hour. Balancing work with academics, extracurriculars, friends, and family can be daunting with the little time students have after school and on weekends. To relieve this time constraint, several schools offer work-based learning programs where students can accept an abridged school day to have time to work. These programs also lead students in employee training and career mapping. On the job, a student learns how to manage multiple tasks as well as other people during a shift. For example, a student working at a pizza parlor may be responsible for taking phone calls and orders while also boxing pizzas and training new co-workers. Time management is a tough exercise to master, but working throughout high school provides students with valuable practice before beginning his or her career.
Students who work throughout high school learn budgeting skills, save money, are more appealing applicants for work, and better manage his or her time. Shifting from living at home to living on one’s own requires one to take control of his or her finances. Employers seek individuals who have worked a part-time job before, as they are more likely to be beneficial to the team. Students working throughout high school learn to divide their time among various aspects of their lives.